viernes, 8 de febrero de 2008

Rubberbandance group

Con la Karina fuimos a ver este grupo de danza: Rubberbandance.
Era un grupo de 6 artistas. Era una mezcla de hiphop, breakdance y danza contemporánea con diferentes tipos de música: tango electrónico (Gotan Project), opera, clasica (vivaldi), hiphop. Muy entretenido, me gustó mucho :)
Leeeejos mejor que el Compagnie Ea Sola que fui a ver la otra vez.

Descripción oficial:

Elastic Perspective

An über-physical hybrid of precision and invention, RBDG mixes up explosive hip-hop, contemporary, and classical dance with energy that pops and sizzles. Quijada is a total original who grew up on the streets of Los Angeles and was nicknamed Rubberband by b-boys and rappers for his unusually elastic dancing style. RBDG is a new fusion that involves an expansive, sophisticated approach to physicality, line, and form. ArtPower! presents Elastic Perspective, a spectacular suite of dances to an eclectic and unlikely music mix that ignites competitive group fireworks with tango-inflected duets, lifts, and spins.

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